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Fiamma x Mistaker Maker
A solidarity project to support the art and culture sector

Fiamma invited me to be part of this wonderful project that units a unique set of national and international artists.
Each one of us created and customized a limited edition coffee machine.
Mistaker Maker teamed up with the first espresso coffee machine company in Portugal @fiammaespresso to develop a solidarity project to support the art and culture sector.
#AllTheArtists is the response to a necessary and urgent help to the Arts and to all who are part of this universe that is currently experiencing great difficulties, particularly artists.
#AllTheArtists presents itself as a project whose mission is to giveback to Art and creators a little of what they offer us, today, in the past and desirably (and necessarily), in the future.
#AllTheArtists is an initiative that aims to simultaneously work on a concept of artistic community, in which everyone takes care, gets involved, shares, and to which everyone, in the most diverse roles, can contribute.
#AllTheArtists puts artists, specifically the visual and plastic ones, side by side, in favor of Art and Culture and all those who are part of it.
With the sale of each machine, Fiamma will donate 60% of the value to Art and Culture sector, in a distribution between the artist who created the piece (20%) and several cultural associations and entities (40%), selected by the authors themselves .
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